



新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID-19)対策のため、大規模イベント等で一部自粛の動きが報道されておりますが、2020年2月23日(日)−3月1日(日)に開催予定の「DESIGN WEEK KYOTO2020」に関しては、予定を一部変更の上、開催する方針でございます。
Due to the recent epidemic of COVID-19, many organizers have had no choice but canceled their large-scale event in Japan. Having considered thoroughly, we have decided to hold DESIGN WEEK KYOTO 2020 as planned from February 23rd (Sun.) to March 1st (Sun.) though we will change our plans and how we hold the events.

We would like to ask all of involved people, including the hosts of OPEN HOUSE and people who are planning to visit studios and factories, to read and follow the instructions below before the event. Although we, the organizer, have decided to hold the event, it might be possible that the event must be canceled suddenly if the Japanese government announces the cancelation of the events like ours officially. We will try our best to inform you of the latest information.

We sincerely apologize for any convenience caused by this decision but hope you understand.

一般社団法人Design Week Kyoto実行委員会

February 19 (Wed.), 2020
Design Week Kyoto Executive Committee

How to visit factories and studios

(1) 発熱や咳、全身痛などの症状がある場合、ご来場前に必ず医療機関にご連絡のうえ、受診いただきますようお願いいたします。
If you have fever, coughs or other unusual physical condition, please contact or see a doctor before joining the event.

(2) 風邪や季節性インフルエンザ対策と同様に、咳エチケットや頻繁な手洗い、手指消毒など感染症対策に努めるようお願いいたします。
In order to prevent infection, please be always aware of hygiene: wearing a mask, wash and disinfect your hands well.

(3) 各現場やイベント会場の入口に設置したアルコール消毒液を必ずご利用の上、ご入場ください。
Alcoholic disinfectants are set at every event venue. Make sure to disinfect your hands before entering the studios and event venues.

(4) ご自身の体調に不安がある場合は、決してご無理をなさらないようにお願いいたします。(トークイベントではネット配信(facebook live)をする場合があります)
Always be aware of your health condition. Some of the events might limit the entry of the public and will be broadcasted online (by facebook live).

(5) 運営スタッフなどがマスクやゴム手袋を着用して対応する場合がございます。あらかじめご了承くださるようお願いいたします。
DWK staffs and related people might wear a mask or glove for the hygiene reasons.

In case of COVID-19 infection is discovered during our event, we are required to provide all of the necessary information to the public health center. Therefore, we will request all participants to our Talk Sessions to submit application in advance or to register at the reception on the day of the event (please leave your business card at the reception or write down your name and contact information).

(7) イベントの詳細については、運営事務局へ照会願います。
Please contact the Design Week Kyoto office for the latest event information.

(8) 新型コロナウイルスに関する情報についてはこちらの厚生労働省サイトをご確認くださいませ。
Visit the Ministry of Health and Labor for the latest information about COVID-19.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and understandings.

※2月21日追記事項 Added information on Feb.21.
オンライン配信はfacebook liveにて実施することになりました。DWKのfacebookページよりご視聴ください。
Online broadcasting will be held by facebook live. Please watch from facebook page of DWK.

お問い合わせ先 :一般社団法人Design Week Kyoto実行委員会 事務局
Design Week Kyoto Executive Committee Office
e-mail: info@designweek-kyoto.com